February is known as the month of love, and what better way is there to celebrate, than to cultivate a deep and abiding love, one that lasts forever- the love for yourself?
“If I build a home within myself, a palace of peace created with my own awareness and love, this can be the refuge I have always been seeking” ~Yung Pueblo
The heart (no pun intended) of Trust You First is the journey inward. It’s all about learning to find your inner voice. To listen to what your body and your heart are telling you, and then to take steps that build trust between the part of you that lives in your brain and the part of you that lives in your heart- your authentic self.
With the growing popularity of #selfcare, it seems that there are lists, suggested routines and memes telling us how to ‘do self-care right’. While these things can certainly be helpful, they can also become another thing that stresses us out!